Monthly Archives: October 2013
Lie Detector
Spynet Lie Detector is an app developed for Big Boat Interactive and Jakks Pacific, for use with a physical lie detector toy in the Jakks Pacific’s Spynet line. The physical toy connects to iOS and compatible Android devices via the headphone jack. The Lie Detector software decodes an incoming signal in real-time using an FFT based procedure, and presents the incoming biometric data to the user in a stylized manner reminiscent of movie and television portrayals of high-tech espionage. The Spynet Lie Detector app is available from iTunes and Google Play. A commercial for the toy and app can be seen here.
Anthem is a sci-fi action role playing game and shooter. In its most distilled sense, Anthem is “Asteroid’s RPG”. Anthem was the first project developed by Domowicz Creative Group, and is the technology foundation of many of our in-house projects. Anthem is powered by Simple Direct Media Layer (SDL) 1.2, and runs on PC.
Fort Courage
Fort Courage is a free-to-play fort defense game by Human Head Studios. Domowicz Creative Group provided concept development and consultation, and is the owner of the “Fort Courage” intellectual property. Fort Courage is available in iTunes and Google Play.
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