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Ipso facto is a Latin phrase, directly translated as “by the fact itself,”[1] which means that a certain phenomenon is a direct consequence, a resultant effect, of the action in question, instead of being brought about by a previous action. It is a term of art used in philosophy, law, and science. An example in law is money laundering: the act is not ipso facto illegal because it is an exchange but is done as a cover for something else, so the act puts the actions of an individual in question. A common English idiom with a similar meaning is “in and of itself”. Aside from its technical uses, it occurs frequently in literature, particularly in scholarly addenda: e.g., “Faustus had signed his life away, and was, ipso facto, incapable of repentance” (re: Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus) or “These prejudices are rooted in the idea that

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Ipso facto is a Latin phrase, directly translated as “by the fact itself,”[1] which means that a certain phenomenon is a direct consequence, a resultant effect, of the action in question, instead of being brought about by a previous action. It is a term of art used in philosophy, law, and science. An example in law is money laundering: the act is not ipso facto illegal because it is an exchange but is done as a cover for something else, so the act puts the actions of an individual in question. A common English idiom with a similar meaning is “in and of itself”. Aside from its technical uses, it occurs frequently in literature, particularly in scholarly addenda: e.g., “Faustus had signed his life away, and was, ipso facto, incapable of repentance” (re: Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus) or “These prejudices are rooted in the idea that

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget commodo tortor, non congue sem. Aliquam dictum interdum pulvinar. Sed sed lacus nibh. Quisque urna elit, pellentesque ornare consectetur consectetur, congue sit amet leo. Aliquam tristique nunc in sem pretium, nec sagittis orci convallis. Aliquam cursus vulputate interdum. Fusce convallis dolor at nulla varius bibendum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris blandit, justo feugiat feugiat rhoncus, tellus urna adipiscing tortor, nec laoreet lorem ligula eu purus. Pellentesque neque risus, mattis ut malesuada ut, lacinia sed lacus. Mauris in bibendum massa

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